Tuesday, June 22, 2010



This is my first post on this blog.

I build up this blog to learn about english.

For me, English is so difficult.

So, I will try to write up on this blog in english to make me used with this important language nowadays.

Eventhough I'm graduate student's from one IPTA's in Malaysia, but my english is still at beginner level.

Sometimes, I feel frustrated about it.

I feel envy seeing other people can communicate and give their idea to other people while i'm still cannot speak english fluently.

I'm also have difficulties to learn english grammar.You can see it from my writing up here right?You can see I'm using wrong grammar.Sigh!

I'm sick of it.But nothing to be done. I must learn this important language as soon as possible.That's why I build this blog and all of you can view this poor blog.

And I appreciate anyone to give comment about my writing, about my grammar and maybe can give some advice how to learn english with the correct way or more efficient than my ways.

See you in the nest post.

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